Stratford Lawn Bowling History

September 9th, 1898

  • Inaugural meeting of the Stratford Lawn Bowling Club using leased land on Albert Street, east of the Albert Street Inn.

July 1899  

  • New greens ready for use at the Albert Street location.

October 1901

  • SLBC purchased property on north side of Ontario Street, west of 272 Ontario Street (site of present Drake Dental Clinic).


  • Ontario Street site was sold to a local contractor who wished to build three houses there.

  • SLBC negotiated with Stratford Parks Board for the Lakeside Drive property.

  • This remained the home of SLBC for 104 years. until 2019 when the Festival Theatre took over the property to replace the Patterson Theatre.

May 29th, 1931

  • Official opening of the additional greens with a new lighting system.

  • SLBC was given space in the Casino for use as a clubhouse.

June 2019

  • SLBC was relocated to the Municipal Golf Course where we play today.